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Fostering Social Economy Internationally, Sant’Anna School Research Fellow Appointed to the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Labour: Luca Gori has been appointed to the Third Sector promotional policies scientific committee

Publication date: 24.10.2021
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Luca Gori, Dirpolis (Law, Politics, Development) Institute research fellow of Sant’Anna School (Pisa), has been appointed member of the scientific committee to promote social economy in international relations by the Minister of Labour and Social Policies. The committee is made up of academics, researchers and practitioners in the field of not-for-profit. The aim is to prepare the tax measures dossier for the European Union approval and support the Luxembourg Declaration enforcement, in sight of the Follow-up Committee Italian presidency 2022. Particular attention will be paid to develop a wide range dialogue with other European Union Countries.

“Sant’Anna School pays great attention to the Third Sector and social economy issues in all of its activities”, Luca Gori says. “In 2019, The Lucca Banking Foundation and Social Cohesion Foundation established a research center on this topic, entitled to Maria Eletta Martini (considered the “mother” of the Italian Third Sector legislation). In the late 90s, Emanuele Rossi, Professor of Costitutional Law and Francesco Donato Busnelli, Professor of Private Law and ‘author’ of the school’s institutional law, launched crucial research questions and uncovered interesting pathways that nowadays are still open and fertile”.

“The 2017 Third Sector Code – Luca Gori continues – reveals that one of the most important questions is the relationship between national and European regulations. Beyond single legal issues, extremely complex, there’s a fundamental question to solve: what role does the solidarity principle play in the EU goals framework ? How does this principle deal with the national concept of a ‘strong solidarity’ in the Italian Constitution? The relationship between national level and EU in the field of social economy has often been described as conflictual: solidarity and competition are apparently antagonistic within the single market. In the Italian Recovery and Resilience National Plan (PNRR), civil society organizations play an important role: we need to develop a new conceptual and operational framework to strengthen this active citizenship. It’s a peculiar feature of our country and a great honor for me to work on this challenging scientific boundary”.